Moving house or relocating your business often comes with the common question - should I…

Declutter your Home
If you’re thinking about moving house then there is no better time to declutter. There’s simply no good reason to bring things to your new home that you don’t need and that won’t be used. You’re probably already thinking about something that belongs to your spouse that might not “make” the trip! Decluttering is something that you can get the whole family involved in, and even make it fun.
So, where to begin? Homemaster Relocations, providers of moving and packing services, have laid out a simple guide below to help you declutter your home.
Step 1 – Set goals
You could start at the top of the house and work your way down, but that’s rarely as easy as it sounds. There will be challenges along the way – teenagers who refuse to let you in their rooms etc. Make a plan of the house and identify where the main cluttered parts are (hint: your attic probably hasn’t been sorted in awhile) and make a plan to tackle the big stuff first. Goals help!
Step 2 – Sort out a system
Get three big boxes or crates. Label them Keep, Throw Away and Store (or Pack). A good place to begin is the bathroom, as there’ll be plenty of clutter but it won’t be overwhelming. Open the medicine cabinet and you’ll likely spot things that need to be thrown away, start with those. Isn’t that satisfying? Put your most commonly used medicines at eye level so they are easy to access and easy to pack on the last day in the house. Be merciless – that Christmas bubble bath set that you’ve been using just around the festive season – bin it.
Step 3 – Wardrobes
Give everyone in the family a black bag (within reason – your toddler probably can’t handle this task!) and tell them to put any clothing that hasn’t been worn in the last year into it. Children grow out of clothes and unless they can be handed down in your direct family, it’s time for them to go to charity. You can even make it a game and say first person with 5 items wins a prize! Store winter coats and clothing. In fact, if you’re packing, you can start with those now. You’ll be surprised how much can be discarded.
Step 4 – Visit a car boot sale or donate
If you have lots of items that you “don’t need right now, but might in the future”, then these items are perfect for a car boot sale. There’s simply no point in holding onto something that you don’t use regularly, and someone else might benefit from it (plus they’ll pay you for the prospect). If you feel like a car boot sale is too much hassle, then simply donate to your local charity store.
Step 5 – Take your time
This isn’t something that can be rushed, so take your time. If you do it too quickly, you are likely to end up either making the error of throwing away something you didn’t intend, or keeping too much overall!
Moving House? Call Homemaster Relocations
If you’re simply de-cluttering to make more space, good on you! However if you are moving house in the near future and need any advice or assistance simply fill out our online contact form and we’ll get in touch. You can also call Homemaster Relocations on 01743 792 229 or email for more information.